22 Months
Typical Phrases:
"Mommy/Daddy, hold you!"
We hear this phrase frequently when he wants to be picked up or snuggled. It's derived from, "Want me to hold you, Preston?"
"We're here!"
Almost every time I pull up to our house, these excited words emanate from the carseat behind me.
"Almost....almost....we MADE it!!"
This is one of his favorites when he's climbing a ladder to a slide-or perhaps up the slide itself-or when he has conquered a once impossible feat.
"Ooohh, reeeee high!"
This one comes when Daddy is tossing him up in the air-or the time when I caught him sitting on TOP of his cozy coupe and not in it.
"I sorry (insert name or inanimate object here)."
This one breaks my heart but also makes me glad that my little one is so passionate and is also starting to show true empathy. However, sometimes he uses it backwards. For instance, he may say he's sorry when he gets hurt, when really I'm the one who should be saying it....sweet heart.
"Hi! Youuuuuuu?"
Meant to be, "Hi, how are you?" This one we hear frequently over the monitor in the morning as he's greeting every one of his books and animals.
"Oooohh-dark in here!"
It's inevitable, whenever we walk into the dark garage, he must proclaim the lack of light. Hilarious.Favorite Books (at This Very Moment):
"Quick as a Cricket" by Don & Audrey Wood
"Huckle's Opposites" & "Huckle's Good Manners" by Richard Scarry
Favorite Songs:
"If You're Happy and You Know It" -Mickey & Friends Version
Preston's absolute favorite part is throwing his hands in the air and shouting "HOORAY!" as if his life depended on it.
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"
He's always liked this one, but as with "Baa Baa Black Sheep," he surprised us the other day by singing his very own version of the song without prompting. It went a little something like this:
"Twinkle, twinkle, little starrrrr, how I wonder what you arrreeee,
How I wonder what you arrrreeee,
How I wonder what you arrrreeee,
Twinkle, twinkle, little starrrr, how I wonder what you arrrreeeeeeeee!"
Close enough to me! Exciting Firsts:
This morning, Preston woke up with a pretty yucky case of allergies. Let's just say I'd compare his nose to the faucet he won't let me turn off when he's taking a bath. Generally, he despises when I try to wipe his nose. Today, I tried something different: I simply put the tissue up to his nose and asked him to blow. To my complete surprise, he actually did it! I had no idea how exciting this milestone would be for all of us. I brought over the tissue box, and he proceeded to take out a tissue, and blow his nose-over, and over again. Stuart and I couldn't believe it, but we were so thrilled! We are still mastering the wiping after blowing concept, but hey, it's a start!
Preston cruising on his "Lil' Rock'It" |
Daddy providing some encouragement and an extra push! |