As I was telling my mom, Mimi, yet another adorable story about Preston recently, she set me straight. "Brooke, you have to write this stuff down! You think you'll remember it, but you won't." That realization made me sad. I realized I had chronicled every little thing about my pregnancy with Preston, and I was also very diligent with his baby book from year one. After that? Nothing! So, "The A-List" was born. This will be a place for me to journal, vent, share, okay- maybe brag a little, and seek advice. Read as you wish, and I promise not to bombard you with Facebook posts! I have also started writing down my experiences with pregnancy number two retrospectively, because peanut 2 is just as precious as number one. Thanks for joining us on the journey- hope you enjoy the ride!I promise I will take some time to make the blog more appealing to look at, especially with precious pictures of my Preston. Just getting started!
I'm so glad you're my daughter! :)