
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Could this be it?!

Hanging in there? Yes, exactly.
I am currently 38 1/2 weeks along, and it's hard to believe that our daughter will be here so soon. Technically, any day now, and the mind games are driving me crazy! Every little cramp (and there have been a lot of them), makes me think, "Early labor sign? Could this be it?" Every trek up the hallway at Barton Creek insights those ever-so-pleasant Braxton Hicks contractions that once again make me think, "Early labor sign? Could this be it?" Or what about the 20 times a day I stand up, and I swear her sweet little body cannot possibly grow any larger inside of mine, or her head reach any lower when I think, "Early labor sign? Could this be it?" It's exhausting! Much to my dismay, however, at my 38 week appointment, doc said I was still the same as I was at 37. Of course, my ever-so-sweet-and-supportive husband is always there to lend me a hand and a shoulder to cry on, assuring me that her health is what's important, and she is definitely one healthy and active little girl.

Laura (Denbar) and I are exactly 1 week apart, her due date the week before mine, and the texts between the 2 of us are frequent. "Anything yet?" "NO!" Ahhh, trying so hard to cherish these last few moments as a family of three, but I constantly find myself thinking, "Could this be it?"

School is keeping me plenty busy, though, and I am so thankful to be able to work amongst friends. My co-workers and classroom parents threw me a baby shower last week that was truly over the top. Everyone was invited: current students, former students, staff, their children, family, you name it. There was an amazing turnout, and I felt overwhelmed with love and support. Yet another one of the many blessings of being a teacher. You have a new batch of kiddos every single year to "fill your bucket"-as we like to say. 

Counting. My. Blessings. 

School Shower-Waterloo Ice House Friday, October 19th

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